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Forms & Documents

The purpose of the Office of Marketing and Communications is to be the official storytellers of Tiffin University. Our office works with all areas of the campus community to define and maintain the University’s brand and communicate the brand to all University stakeholders.

Request for News Coverage 

We want to work with you to tell TU’s story. If you have an event announcement or content for a web news story, news release, social media post, blog or anything that you feel would tell Tiffin University’s story, we can help.

Please fill out the form at least 14 days or more prior to your preferred release date, and give as much information as possible. The form will be forwarded to the Office of Marketing and Communications​ for consideration and someone from the team will reach out to you.

If you have any questions, contact Debby Roszman at

Student and /or Alumni Profile Recommendation for Challenge Magazine 

If you have a successful student or alumni story, please use this form and submit it as soon as possible for possible inclusion in an upcoming issue of Challenge Magazine.

If you have any questions, contact Debby Roszman at

Tiffin University Photo Release (Public Areas)

Photographs or recordings of students may be taken by the college or its designees in public areas of the Tiffin University campus and at college events. The college may use such photographs or recordings for non-commercial activities of the college and its programs without prior consent by students depicted or recorded in them. Public areas include but are not limited to outdoor areas, classrooms, laboratories, library, athletic facilities, residence hall common areas, dining and gathering facilities, meeting rooms and performance spaces.

Photo/Video/Interview Release Form

*Updated May, 2021


Tiffin University’s campus, including the grounds, buildings, classrooms and residence halls are private property. TU’s Office of Marketing and Communications must approve anyone who wants to film, take photos or make audio recordings. To request permission, complete and submit the University’s Request for Permission to Film form (see below).

Please keep in mind, TU’s campus and buildings are devoted to instruction, research and public service, and the University ordinarily does not permit filming on campus for commercial or other for-profit purposes. Similarly, the University does not permit filming on campus of any commercials, advertisements or other forms of endorsement. All filming on campus must comply with the reasonable directions and guidance of the Office of Marketing and Communications.

To truly stand out, we must not feel compelled to fit in.